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A member registered Oct 06, 2020

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Thank you, glad you liked it! I actually tried your game and left a comment! Really cool, especially the "GladOS" narration vibe!

Nice one, really nice narration and calm soundtrack

Very cool idea and interpretation of the theme. I really liked the tutorials of the scientist via the story , the art, the soundtrack. Great work!

Wierd combination of top down and retro game. But i really enjoyed playing with the guns. I hope it focused more on guns XD

Great art! could really use some retro music. Get this done early on your next jam, i think it will be more fun even for your playtests to have a nice music playing in the background.

My hands hurt after playing this for about 30 minutes. REALLY great work! I never was a fun of platfomer games but yours had something very compelling. It really was a Move or Die game, very very hard. 

I kinda liked the gameplay but it's unplayable for me in the browser. Lag stops only when i die. Please consider uploading a downloadable version for PC

I got excited with the idea but there was no gameplay at all. I was just pressing W. If the trees were more and actually stopped the player, it would be more fun.

Really annoying how well the bad guys keep up with you. But that's the point of the game, I actually had fun. Nice color palette!

Really nice game! Amazing work on the level design and the general atmosphere (visuals and sounds). Quite tough though. Because of the small play area, the necromancer always gets you. But he got me scared few times! Once again, great work

Really nice game, nice physics, played couple of times. A nice soundtrack could really make the difference.

We are glad you enjoyed it! :D

Really fun game. Kept me focused till the end. Aliens are random but a very nice touch on the mechanics of the game. I would like another soundtrack, more cartoonish. Great work!

Could use some soundtrack and a tutorial . Also main menu UI is last minute but i understand. Also why did you use 2D player?

I didn't quite get what i had to do. Neither i understood when i was frozing. Unclear story. I think the soundtrack was matching with the atmosphere of the game. But you had pretty graphics and a well designed level.

Could use some tutorial on how to grab for example medicine.

Could have at least 1-2 more enemy types. Also when using score system, I prefer seeing large numbers like +200 points per kill rather than 1.

Interesting naration and pacing. Could have a "level select" button because the ending was pretty fast and then i misclicked on level 2.